
Contestant Mark Kyle D. Cortez

Mark Kyle D. Cortez is in 794 place for Adults in the world rankings with the score of 687

Mark Kyle D. Cortez is in 625 place for Junior in the world rankings with the score of 687


Zahlen 15 Min4036Philippine Junior 20131093

Binary Digits
Binärzahlen 5 Min3025Philippine Junior 20131886

Historic Dates
Historische Daten 5 Min535Philippine Junior 20132403

Spoken Numbers
Auditiv 1 Sec.10150Philippine Junior 20131112

Playing Cards
Karten unter 5 Min2 / 5:00 4Philippine Junior 20133365

Names & Faces
Namen 5 Min - inter.17179Philippine Junior 2013645

Wörter 5 Min26170Philippine Junior 2013638

Abstract Images​‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌​
Abstrakt 15 Min5388Philippine Junior 20131219
contest series2013
Philippine Junior Memory Championships