
Contestant Vikasini Anneda

Vikasini Anneda is in 1270 place for Adults in the world rankings with the score of 841

Vikasini Anneda is in 540 place for Junior in the world rankings with the score of 841

Vikasini Anneda is in 481 place for Kids in the world rankings with the score of 433


Zahlen 5 Min5091India Junior 20141507
Zahlen 15 Min120108India Junior 2014553

Binary Digits
Binärzahlen 5 Min120102India Junior 2014766

Historic Dates
Historische Daten 5 Min642India Junior 20142330

Spoken Numbers
Auditiv 1 Sec.22222India Junior 2014642

Playing Cards
Karten unter 5 Min26 / 5:00 56India Junior 20141428
Karten 10 Min 12India Kids 2013999

Names & Faces
Namen 5 Min - inter.12126India Junior 2014988

Wörter 5 Min852India Kids 20131376

Abstract Images​‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌​
Abstrakt 15 Min5388India Junior 20141220
contest series20142013
India Memory Championship
India Memory Junior Championship
India Open Memory Junior Championship