
Contestant Srijan Gandu

Srijan Gandu is in 1494 place for Adults in the world rankings with the score of 676

Srijan Gandu is in 501 place for Junior in the world rankings with the score of 923


Zahlen 5 Min72132India Junior 20151207
Zahlen 15 Min160144India Junior 2016420

Binary Digits
Binärzahlen 5 Min150127India Junior 2016656

Historic Dates
Historische Daten 5 Min1499India Junior 20161317

Spoken Numbers
Auditiv 1 Sec.12164India Junior 2016960

Playing Cards
Karten unter 5 Min10 / 5:00 21India Junior 20162454
Karten 10 Min 3069India Junior 2015648

Names & Faces
Namen 5 Min - inter.22232India Junior 2016384

Abstract Images​‍‍‌‍‍‌‍‌‌‌​
Abstrakt 15 Min70116India Junior 2016945
contest series20162015
India Memory Championship
India Memory Junior Championship